"Children see magic, because they look for it."
Malama without children would miss its colours and liveliness.
Observing them in their playful and creative ways of merging with nature,
of walking through their day independently in various social constellations and activities,
of being there with each other and for each other,
arises feelings of deep gratitude and satisfaction.
It’s a precious gift to see that they are exactly at the right place
to truly live and create their childhood.

“It takes a whole village to raise a child”
(African saying)
We relate to this saying, because Malama became a beautiful village-like environment,
where children naturally discover life outside their family.
Their friendships reach through all generations.
They enjoy getting inspired by all the different people with their individual skills and approaches to life,
knowing that they are welcome everywhere.
If you enjoy the company of children and have some gifts to share with them (like creative work, dancing, music …)
you are welcome as a volunteer!